
  • Multiple Townhomes Flooding تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    624 Counselor Sq Virginia Beach, VA - Virginia Beach city
    Townhouse development rear easement drainage insufficient causing multiple townhomes to flood. Rear easement drainage not up to code and spec in public works code page 422-423. Can an engineer inspect this issue? This has been going on for years with no action from the city. The easement is there for the "installation and or maintenance of drainage facilities." This is on the plat of the neighborhood. Please address. The properties of 612-640 Counselor Sq all have frequent standing water in back yards after minimal rain, and when torrential downpours happen, multiple units have water come into their homes, possibly causing unseen mold growth and possibly affecting the heath of individuals. This is completely uncalled for and really needs to be addressed.
  • Drainage Easement Flooding Homes تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    624 Counselor Square Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
    Inadequate drainage of drainage easements for townhomes. Floods yards and homes. Easement does not meet specifications in handbook for drainage requirements. Need swales installed on sides and rear of townhomes as in drawings B7 or B8 in the public works engineering division specifications and standards. Multiple homes in row of townhomes flood throughout the year. This area of yards is not even in the 100 year flood plain. This is not fair to the homeowners paying taxes and a storm water bill every other month when the actual stormwater isn't going anywhere but in their homes. This is causing property damage and health hazards to these tax paying citizens. PLEASE do something to solve this issue. I have personally been dealing with this for going on 6 years now, even since I bought this property. My name is Dustin Maciag, I am the owner of 624 Counselor Square. Contact phone is 850-698-1804 if anyone would please contact me on this matter.