
  • mosquitos & tree & poison ivy damaging property تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    1601 Tufts Ct Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
    Our home backs a stream and woods. I do not believe this is our property nor the property of the neighbors that back us. The stream attracts a multitude of mosquitos as well as the overgrowth in the woods has poison ivy growing over and destroying our fence. My husband is severely allergic to poison ivy and I have two young children. In addition to the ivy there are trees that are leaning on our fence breaking off the boards. My fence is being destroyed by the vegetation and this appears to be public property. I request someone to come out to clean out the ivy and trees, as well as take care of the steam and mosquitos as this is making an unhealthy environment for my family and again property damage to my fence. Please contact me at 5406566995.