
  • 1256 Bells Road Virginia Beach, Virginia - Northeast
    Previous tenant that just moved left big pile of junk/trask right at end of driveway next to the road.
  • 1332 Bells Road Virginia Beach, Virginia - Northeast
    Overgrown tree/branches need to be pruned back/down. These ALWAYS come down onto the power lines during high winds/storms and the whole block loses power, this time was for 2 days. Please have homeowner remedy.
  • Pothole Arkiverad
    1317 Bells Road Virginia Beach, Virginia - Northeast
    Edge of roadway is breaking away, gradually getting worse. Is now at least 2 feet long along the edge and at least one foot into the side of roadway. IS a road hazard because road is narrow two lane road. It is between Oceana Blvd. intersection & first house on right heading east.