
  • Tree Trimming Archivé
    215 West Rock Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Westville

    Two trees at this address need to be trimmed---one is directly in front of 215. The leaves from the branches of this sycamore that overhang the driveway and a portion of the house are dropping their leaves prematurely the rest of the tree appears healthy and has not lost its leaves....Leaves lost here are already brown along the veins of the leaves. Tree limb that is dropping these leaves appear hazardous. PLEASE TRIM UNHEALTHY BRANCHES.

    The second tree is between 215 and 221 West Rock. The second sycamore has a very pronounced hole where one of the branches stems from the trunk. I have actively seen animals travel in and out of this hole. Is this tree dead from the inside???? PLEASE CONSIDER REMOVING THIS TREE.