Diane Loupe

  • Melrose Avenue Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Twice today a DeKalb County employee was parked in the no parking side of the street in Decatur on Melrose. I stopped and told her about it once, and she ignored me and didn't move. I went on and worked at my property for an hour, and when I left, she had moved her vehicle but was still parked on the wrong side of the street. I stopped and pointed it out again, and she seemed annoyed. Melrose Ave is one side parking because emergency vehicles cannot get down the street. This employee was rude and in the course of her duties, created a hazard in my neighborhood. The license number was GV9615F and there was a number on the bumper: 18102. Please get back to me when you have told this employee that she may not park in a no parking zone. BTW, there were plenty of other places she could park.
  • Pothole 已存档
    Emerson Avenue Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    There is a very deep pothole on this street near where Ryan Gainey's house is. I mean, this pothole would break an axle if you didn't go around it. I think it's dangerous. Can somebody please check it out and fill it in?