
  • 18 Sunset Rd Hamden CT 06514, United States - Hamden
    Abandoned stop&shop cart on sidewalk.
  • SNOW RELATED Archivé
    Cedar Hill Ave New Haven Connecticut - Cedar Hill
    I'm sure the city is making great efforts to clear snow today. However, I would like to emphasize that there are streets such as Cedar Hill Ave with barely any off street parking. This street is a mess after the snow has frozen and trapped cars in. Some have been able to make small exits from the snow but this will create a frenzy later tonight if the remainder isn't cleared by the city. I hope the city can address this street with a snow removal crew as best and quickly as possible today as some who have labored to remove snow and ice may not have parking when they return home.
  • 155 Cedar Hill Ave New Haven , CT - Cedar Hill

    Second request for the city to remove cats body.

    Its been here for a week.

  • Dead animal Archivé
    Cedar Hill Ave New Haven, Connecticut - Cedar Hill
    There is a dead cat almost in the middle of the street.
  • Cedar Hill Ave New Haven, CT - Cedar Hill
    Cedar Hill Ave mainly has multi family homes, most of these dont have ample parking. For those that do have off street parking they tend to choose off street. There is no parking available on this street for those who dont have off street parking. If you arent home by 6 pm to get a spot you have to hope there's one on the next street over; and its very likely there isn't any on that street either. I called the city and they referred me to the neighborhood Alderman, Ana Festa, who hasn't refturned my call or email. I called Livable city initiative and they referred me to the traffic department and no one answers. Not sure what else to do. Ppl are now resorting to leaving trash cans in "their" off street parking spots!!! This can be messy once the vacant homes are occupied and during the winter.