
  • 2202 Jefferson Ave Richmond, Virginia - Union Hill
    Alamo BBQ owner has his work trailer parked on 22nd street obstructing traffic in a residential neighborhood. They use it for storage and promotion. However, the trailer makes access of 22nd street very tight since residents use the opposite side of the street for parking day/night. It would be helpful if the trailer were kept on their business property as opposed to on public street, especially since it used for private business.
  • Jefferson Park Richmond, Virginia - Union Hill
    Several light posts are not working in Jefferson Park. Two in particular facing Marshall St along the excrcise asphalt path are not working. This allows illegal activity to take place in the park after sunset when the park is supposed to be closed according to signage, Please fix fhe lights posts in Jefferson Park in the interest of neighborhood safety. The suspicious activity, drinking and doing drugs are ostensible in the park after dark when we walk as a family along its perimeter. We can smell the drugs as criminals holler and yell from the top of Jefferson Park in the darkness
  • Overgrown Lots Archiviato
    613 N 22nd St Richmond Virginia - Union Hill
    city sidewalk on the side of property facing M Street is blocked due to trees / planters in sidewalk overgrown. Walking must be done on street. Additionally, the house is abandoned and house has open access to vagabonds. Please clean up sidewalk and close house
  • Illegal Dumping Archiviato
    1901-1999 Princess Anne Avenue Richmond, Virginia - Union Hill

    Jefferson Park is continually being over-run by people by abusing the grounds for loitering and drinking, drugging, passing out on park benches, parking themselves in large groups blocking sidewalks in the park making passage of individuals/pets impossible, and overall wrecking the park.

    We have cleaned the debris out of the new fountain many times and repositioned the lights in the fountain but they keep trashing the fountain by overturning the light fixtures in the water making it dark around the fountain (great for crime) and throwing debris in the water and surrounding grounds

    Please enforce the Jefferson Park signage:

    Park Closes at Sunset
    No Dumping
    Pets on Leashes

    Families are tired of witnessing non-local residents passed out on benches, gathering to drink alcoholic beverages and discarding empty containers on the grounds.

    Jefferson Park has become a real eye sore due to locals destroying the peace and beauty we have come to enjoy. We can't sit on the benches anymore to see the city out of fear from the above mentioned activities.

  • Overgrown Lots Archiviato
    2101-2199 East Clay Street Richmond Virginia - Union Hill
    Jefferson Park has lamp posts that are broken and many have tree limbs obstructing the light they emit. It would be helpful to use modern day city lamps that cast brighter and farther lighting in spite of large historic trees in park. It also wouldn't hurt to trim the tree branches that have either broken the lamps light fixtures or trim branches that provide the bad guys darkness at night to pose a threat to residents. Jefferson Park is supposed to be closed at sunset but some of the visitors think sunset means drugs, drinking, gathering and destroying the peace of the residents surrounding the park.