City of St Ann, Mo

Offene Fälle: 0 Geschlossene Fälle: 2 Anerkannte Fälle: 0
Fälle beobachten, die erstellt wurden nach: 2017-08-04

Alderman Amy Poelker

Benachrichtigt über

  • 10218 Saint Dennis Ln St. Ann Missouri - St. Ann
    There is a very large half dead tree in the back yard of this residence. For years, I have asked the bank that owns it to take the dead fall off of it before it comes crashing down on most likely our house. After every strong storm we've have large broken branches falling into our yard. The yard workers have said that it has a new owner. I have asked the latest man I believe to be the owner to get the tree checked, but nothing is being done. Please, isn't there an ordinance in Saint Ann that would address this before it damages our house, cars, or falls on a family member?
  • Test2 Archived
    3459 Mary Ann Ct St Ann, MO 63074, USA - St. Ann