
Offene Fälle: 39 Geschlossene Fälle: 125 Anerkannte Fälle: 5
Fälle beobachten, die erstellt wurden nach: 2014-05-30

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  • Kalamazoo And Regent St. Lansing, MI - Lansing

    The small section of bike lane along westbound Kalamazoo St. just past Regent is in very bad condition and poses a majority safety concern for bicyclists who come upon it unexpectedly. It's been like this for sometime now. The pavement is crumbling severely. I believe a plow may have caught some of the deteriorating pavement last winter and actually pushed part of the roadbed up and onto the curb leaving a dangerous mixture of deep potholes and mounded asphalt. I've been meaning to post this for some time now. I first noticed it this Spring, but it has gotten progressively worse over the summer and into the fall.

    It's such a small patch, it would be great if the City could still get this fixed this fall, potentially when you are making other roadway repairs around town. The Township just finished patching a small portion of road and bike lane just East of this. Would have been a great time for neighborly collaboration.

  • 1510 East Michigan Avenue Lansing, Michigan - Lansing

    Here is the image folder, you can see when they were taken and descriptions of the photos:

    This dumpster is located in-between properties at 1504 and 1510 Michigan Avenue. It has been seen at this location directly behind the CATA bus stop for at least the last 6 months before starting to document it, where I have often seen a man emptying a hauling trailer contents into it. The garbage goes everywhere, he is careless and it is disgusting. Garbage and appliances are often on the side, around, and behind the dumpster.

    It appears to be nothing but a trash hauling operation located on Michigan Avenue. These are pictures taken from the CATA bus stop directly in front of it, and the same view you will see from the street. Found on Google Maps, an image before the CATA bus station was moved from the front of the Heart Center with the dumpster located in the pictures:

    Since there is no drive located where the garbage dump is located, the truck must drive over the curb to empty the dumpster. It is destroying the sidewalk. Is the owner going to pay to repave the sidewalk he is destroying, or the taxpayers?

    The CATA bus stop was moved in 2012, so this has been going on for almost three years at least, probably longer. A garbage dump leading up to the capitol of Michigan is probably not the best image for Lansing to be putting forth. Reported to city council member through email on 7/15/13. Premise inspector sent out afternoon of 7/17/13. That is the last I have heard. New pictures added since.

    I think it's time this is removed from the street leading up to our capital.

  • Kalamazoo And Shepard Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    Doesn't change when you are waiting. It is common enough (although not always) that when you are on Shepard, both northbound and southbound, and arrive at this light, the little white walking man changes to the red flashing hand and then back to the little white walking man without the signal changing. Last weekend, I saw someone waiting and finally they drove across on the red (going S to N on Shepard) after this happened. Many times I have decided to make a turn onto Kalamazoo and go up one block after this happened to me. What's up with the signal box? It is routine to have a 40+ second wait for the light to change--even when there is NO traffic on Kalamazoo.
  • 1510 Marcus St Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    The words "wonder land" has been painted on the home in bright red paint with an arrow pointing into a bedroom window. There is garbage all over the yard. There is an old rug, a giant pile of leaves, broken parts of living room furniture, old doors, garbage cans overflowing with garbage, paint buckets, just trash all over the place. Not only is this an eyesore, but this is a serious health hazard a there is trash everywhere and it is attracting rodents. Absolutely fed up as the neighbors have reported the condition of this home before and nothing happened. Can someone please help to clean up this property by removing the trash and the graffiti?????
  • 400 Block Of Regent Lansing, MI - Lansing

    Someone from code compliance needs to visit the neighborhood. Some of us keep our yards/ houses in good condition. However there are many code violations on the block i.e. Trash, run down exteriors, unlicensed rentals, abanfoned house with roof falling in, etc. multiple calls to code compliance office gets no results.

    Someone needs to help!

  • 418 Allen St Lansing Michigan - Lansing
    Toys & trash constantly block use of the sidewalk, grass is uncut (approx. 8'' tall), trash, toys, and furniture are scattered all across their yard and spreads to surrounding neighbors' yards.
    This has been posted for nearly a year on this website, and still nothing has changed. The current tenants at this property treat their yard and neighbor's yards like a trash pile and are a nuisance to other neighbors, and the landlord obviously doesn't care. We've had to call the police non-emergency number nearly every week to complain about loud fights (and 911 in one instance of gun shots) in the middle of the night. It's very disturbing to wake up in the middle of the night to a yelling match in front of your house. I'm at a loss as to what to do.
  • 506 Allen Street Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    Comercial bus parked in the street for days at a time, blocking view of on coming cars.
  • 300 And 304 S. Clemens Ave. Lansing, Michigan - Lansing

    The landlord who owns 300 and 304 S. Clemens Ave. has left trash, debris, appliances, and building materials sitting out in the backyards of these properties for nearly two years now. Season after season, I have watched these piles of trash and debris get covered in rain, sleet, snow, and bleached in the sun for too long.

    I am not sure if the landlord intends to build a porch out of the (now) 2 year old rotted porch pieces that he has thrown in the backyard, or what. He has continued to let them just sit there, rotting away.

    He began some work on the back off 300 S. Clemens, but has yet to complete this work. For nearly a year, a trailer full of trash and other debris has been sitting in the back yard, along with a smaller trailer. An old TV has also been sitting out there for the same amount of time.

    I have also seen these properties get temporarily sited by Code Compliance in the past, yet somehow this landlord manages to "fix" these problems and continues to rent these properties. Even while still "working" on the back of 300 S. Clemens.

    I would appreciate if the City would address this issue seriously and deal with it in a timely manner. Thank you.

  • 138 Regent St Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    This house was damaged in the ice storm of 2013 and continues to sit in it's dumpy damaged state. You can currently see ice/frost inside the windows, many windows are broken, and the big gaping hole in the roof certainly is not a good thing. Who do we need to contact to have something done about this property?
  • 124 Shepard Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    Mattresses piled high in front of house. Old junky and been there about a week. What an eyesore.
  • 304 Allen St Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    Need power restored please have handicap and elderly living here
  • 124 Shepard Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    Last week, the pile of mattresses was removed. Promptly, someone from the building dumped construction debris at the curb in an unorganized pile. The recycling bin was also dragged to the side of the road and filled with construction debris. This trash is beginning to slide into the roadway. No effort appears to have been made to tag, organize, or somehow group this pile for legal trash pick up.