Jim Geist

  • 8 Erie St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    A ‘summons’ is not strong enough.

    It is late Sunday, July 21, 2019 / early Monday July 22.

    Talde has falsely made claims to a city official (https://seeclickfix.com/issues/5996398) that they have a recycle collections on Sundays AND Mondays. The pictures show the recycle pile started before 2:27 PM July 21 (21 hours before the 7:30 am Monday collection) is the same at 7:40 pm July 21, and the same at 12:18 am Monday, July 22. What happened to the ‘Sunday collection’ that Talde claimed to have to a city official
    “Division of Sanitation - xxxx (Verified Official) no cause today restaurant has two collection time one on Sunday and another on Monday businesses are allowed to place their trash and recycling out for collection up to 8 hrs before collection” - https://seeclickfix.com/issues/5996398

    Talde’s recycling is picked up Monday mornings at 7:30 AM, consistently, for weeks. Why is Talde allowed to operate in this fashion? Talde KNOWS they are doing something wrong because the recycling pile actually stopped after June 16 and they started putting it out on Sunday evenings (still beyond the 8 hours allowed), but they are back at it.

    I live in this neighborhood and I should not have to look at trash piling up well before the collection time. This should not be occurring and I simply do not want my street looking like this. No other respectable restaurant operates in this fashion in the downtown area. Jersey City Government needs to ask itself “What if every restaurant in ‘Restaurant Row’ or the 'Pedestrian Mall' pulled a Dale Talde and started to operate on their own set of rules?”

    I care about my neighborhood and my street and I simply do not not like the street I live on looking like this.

    Other related ‘Talde recycling/trash’ issues:
    July 14:

    July 7:

    June 16:

    June 15:

    June 9:

    June 2:

  • 8 Erie St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    Photos were taken on Sunday, July 14, 2019 at 9:42 am.

    It is Sunday, July 14, 2019 and the recycle pile has started. Talde has falsely made claims to a city official (https://seeclickfix.com/issues/5996398) that they have a recycle pickups on Sundays and Mondays. Jersey City, would you have curbside recycling on a Thursday and then immediately on the next day? Would that make sense? I can tell you that Talde was not honest and they do not have a pickup on Sundays, at all. The recycling is picked up Monday mornings at 7:30 AM, consistently, for weeks.

    Why is Talde allowed to operate in this fashion? Talde KNOWS they did something wrong because the recycling pile actually stopped after June 16 and they started putting it out on Sunday evenings (still beyond the 8 hours allowed), but they are back at it.

    I do apologize to the city employees who have to continually go out for this but I simply do not like the street I live on looking like this.

    June 2:

    June 9:

    June 15:

    June 16:

    July 7:

  • 300-384 Manila Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Please trim the overgrown weeds in the 5 tree pits on the East side of Manila Avenue between 1st and 2nd streets.
  • 231 Bay St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Broken street parking sign. The metal sign is overhanging the sidewalk and the pole is clearly bent.
  • 8 Erie St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    After a brief hiatus, Talde is back at it as they place cardboard in a pile on a sidewalk well before their scheduled collection - a collection that occurs after 7am on Monday mornings -- meaning that this pile should not appear during daylight hours.

    Bay Street is a mess because of the additional pedestrian traffic that we have an establishment placing cardboard does not help the situation.

    Why is Talde allowed to operate in this fashion? This issue has been posted for multiple weeks. Talde stopped for about two weeks and now they are back at it. The city also has done nothing about the permanent sidewalk cafe setup that Talde has.

    This is the fifth time this issue has been reported. Jersey City Officials, why does it take multiple reports of the same issue to get any official action taken?





  • 8 Erie St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    Talde continues to place cardboard in a pile on a sidewalk DAYS before their scheduled collection. Talde's cardboard / paper recycle collection does not occur until ~6 am on Monday Mornings. Talde started placing cardboard when they closed on Friday night, again, DAYS before its collection.

    Bay Street is a mess because of the additional pedestrian traffic that we now receive and an establishment placing their unbundled cardboard does not help the situation, especially if it is windy or if it rains.

    Why is Talde allowed to operate in this fashion? This issue has been posted for multiple weeks now and they tend to get closed with no action or because the city inspects ON MONDAY after the pile is gone.

    This is the third consecutive weekend in a row that this issue has been reported. Jersey City Officials, why does it take multiple reports of the same issue to get any official action taken?




  • 8 Erie St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    Talde does not have a cardboard / paper recycle collection until ~6 am on Monday Morning. It is currently noon, on Saturday, June 15 and their Monday collection is over 40 hours away – well beyond the 8 hours prior to collection that is allowed.

    This pile will continue to grow the entire weekend, because again, the collection is not until Monday morning.

    Why is Talde allowed to operate in this fashion? This issue has been posted for multiple weeks now and they tend to get closed with no action or because the city inspects ON MONDAY after the pile is gone.


    https://seeclickfix.com/issues/5954694 -- closed and you can't even view the content anymore.

  • 20 Erie St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    Medium sized but with potential to grow because the asphalt around the hole is undermined.


  • 8 Erie St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Talde continues to grow a trash pile on the Bay Street sidewalk. This pile starts Friday night and continues to grow over the weekend until they have a pick up on Monday morning. Why does Jersey City continue to allow Talde to run in this fashion? We have a jazz festival on Newark Avenue and this is what people have to walk by if they decided to walk up Bay Street. There is no other establishment in this area that operates in this fashion, and I, a resident who lives on Bay Street, am outraged by the trash pile that Talde is allowed pile up on the sidewalk and frustrated by the way Jersey City continues to allow this happen.
  • 225 Bay St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Blighted Property. 225 Bay Street was completed sometime in 2017 and yet, 2 years later, 5 tree pits remain empty. The pits are below grade from the sidewalk and create a tripping hazard, they collect trash, and are muddy and filled with standing water after it rains. Furthermore, the 'flower boxes' that are part of the building are filled with weeds. I doubt the architectural renditions submitted to the city for approval did not include empty tree pits or flower boxes with weeds. Compel this property owner to either plant trees like the probably promised or put pavers or grates to bring the pits to the grade of the sidewalk.
  • 8 Erie St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown

    Talde - noise, amplified music, all doors and windows are open. Per 2019 Entertainment License, entertainment shall not be located or placed within ten (10) feet of any door entrance or open window. Talde is clearly violating this.

    Jersey City Government - stop acknowledging this issue and actually send someone out on Saturday to investigate.

  • 8 Erie St Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    Amplified music and amplified curses. In the span of five minutes since they starting '@#$%' mentioned twice. There is an ordinance that controls noise. Why is Talde allowed to break this weekend after weekend?
  • Jersey City Police Department 8 Erie St, Jersey City, NJ, 07302, USA - Downtown
    NOISE - loud music that is clearly audible from this establishment late into the morning. The music from this place has been louder since the New Year started. Can the city PLEASE look into this on the weekends after MIDNIGHT when this establishment is typically at its worst?
  • 230 Bay Street Jersey City, NJ - Downtown
    Since at least Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018, a high pitch, continuous beeeeeeeep has been going off from either 230 Bay Street, the new building at 228 Bay Street, the garage that Cruz owns, or the back of 8 Erie. It may stop for 2-3 seconds, but it is continuous. The noise might not sound like a lot during the daytime, but it is quite irritating at night when it is quiet. Also, 230 Bay Street is a vacant, abandonded building with smoke alarms that chirp due to dying batteries.
  • 8 Erie Street Jersey City, New Jersey - Downtown
    This is an establishment that is in a residential area. There is a rowdy crowd outside Talde at 11:30 pm on a Saturday night. This needs to stop. Why are there people allowed to loiter outside of this establishment? Why is there a bouncer and security to get into a RESTAURANT?
  • 8 Erie Street Jersey City, New Jersey - Downtown
    Talde has live music this evening, October 10, 2018. They situated the jazz musicians in front of the restaurant and ALL their doors are open. How is this not a violation of the noise ordinance in Jersey City? I, a tax paying, voting citizen should be able to enjoy the evening with my windows open and not have to listen to Talde noise.
  • 195-225 Grand Street Jersey City, New Jersey - Downtown


    Buildings and Streets -- asphalt crew is providing you with incorrect information. This pothole has not been touched, ever, since initially reported on February 27, 2018. The only thing that was done is the cover was replaced, WITHOUT the collar that brings it up to road grade.

    February 27, 2018 -- https://seeclickfix.com/issues/4176837
    Closed by Buildings and Streets-Cynthia (Verified Official) March 20, 2018 because "The pothole was filled by the asphalt crew."

    The pothole WAS NOT filled by asphalt crew, so a new ticket was created on March 19, 2018 -- https://seeclickfix.com/issues/4250279. Acknowledged on March 20 with boiler plate text, no further action taken.

    A THIRD ticket created on April 12, 2018 -- https://seeclickfix.com/issues/4329989
    NUMEROUS citizens commented about this same pothole, the one reported in February. Acknowledged with boiler plate text on April 24 and then CLOSED, that's right, closed on April 25, 2018 by Buildings and Streets-Cynthia (Verified Official) with the same
    false claim that "The pothole was filled by the asphalt crew"

    communipaw123 (Registered User) should sue the city for the car repair because had the pothole been fixed on March 19, like buildings and streets falsely said it was, their tire would have never blown out.


  • 8 Erie Street Jersey City, New Jersey - Downtown
    8 Erie is designated as a 'historic' building. Talde, and other restaurants operating in this space, have placed a poorly constructed eyesore of a dumpster shed along the Bay Street elevation of the building. One of the posts isn't even vertical! Can someone from Buildings or historic commission please review this construction on the exterior?
  • 195-225 Grand Street Jersey City, New Jersey - Downtown


    There is a 9 - 12" utility access, probably a gas or water valve that used to have a collar to bring the manhole up to road grade. All that was done in February was replacement of the cover, the cover, though, is still at least 3" below grade of the road and this easily qualifies as a pothole, yet it is ignored. Two months since reporting, now on report #3


    Building and Streets - please don't bother commenting repeating your boiler-plate response. Fix the issue.

  • J. Owen Grundy Park Jersey City, New Jersey - Jersey City
    A light post in the J. Owen Grundy Park has exposed electrical at the base of the light post. The wires are are low enough for a child to touch and potentially get a shock. This requires immediate attention and a proper electrical cover should be used instead of electrical tape.