
  • San Francisco Bay Trail Oakland CA 94606, United States - Produce And Waterfront
    Homeless taking over another beautiful park in Oakland They are living in tents, boats, cars and Winnebagos with all of their cars parked next to them
    The houseboat illegally tied to the public pier for months The Winnebago has several people with cars and storage area This park is supposed to close at 10 pm and these people have been living here for at least 6 months Can we have our park back I’m sick of it.
  • San Francisco Bay Trail Oakland CA 94606, United States - Produce And Waterfront
    This photo shows people living in campers, tents and illegally on boats at public piers They park their carstand have been in the Park for months I empathize but don’t feel it’s fair for people to take over park facilities like this they just don’t have the right Even when politicians are out there saying you have a "right to housing"
  • San Francisco Bay Trail Oakland CA 94606, United States - Produce And Waterfront
    A trailer filled with items as well as trash bag top and left on the ground These people pulled up to clean out their car and leave whatever they didn’t want right there in the park
  • San Francisco Bay Trail Oakland CA 94606, United States - Produce And Waterfront
    This guy is mowing the grass in the park which is a good thing unfortunately there are pieces of trash on the ground like a plastic plate that went from being one piece of trash to about 20 after he mowed over it and turned it into a million pieces Is he supposed to do it that way I know his job is not to pick up trash nor is it to litter the park Maybe you should pick up at least large pieces of trash that are going to be scattered over the park and become very hard to pick up
  • San Francisco Bay Trail Oakland CA 94606, United States - Produce And Waterfront
    This car spends nights in the park even though it’s supposed to close at 10 PM you can see the trash along the side of the car they just throw trash right out of their windows and won’t even walk to trash can as fast as the trash gets picked up people show up
  • San Francisco Bay Trail Oakland CA 94606, United States - Produce And Waterfront
    Homeless encampment starting in estuary Park a park that supposed to be closed at 10 PM every night People in tents are moving in as well as individuals with a large boat are living in the parking lot with the boat on a trailer
  • Oakland Ca 94607 United States - Old City-Produce And Waterfront
    This block as well as the one before it is filled with very deep serious potholes the city says it’s too close to the railroad tracks the railroad says absolutely nothing how long does it have to go on Crews are tearing up the street doing other jobs all around this and then repairing and can’t fix these potholes can’t fill these potholes I live on Jack London Square on Embarcadero and have to drive around these potholes constantly tourists are hitting these potholes and damaging their cars when does it end It’s been like this for years please fix these potholes
  • San Francisco Bay Trail Oakland CA 94606, United States - Produce And Waterfront
    I have seen on several different occasions the trucks that usually come to pick up trash just sit in the park for a period of time and then leave without ever getting out of the cab I don’t know if these trucks or assigned this park or just coming here for a break but no other trucks are showing up and the trash is accumulating thanks
  • Estuary Park Embarcadero, Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Produce And Waterfront
    This dark colored SUV seems to be stuck in a hole and has been there for over a month it does appear to be abandoned this car is in addition to the white pick up truck that was previously reported
  • 370 Embarcadero W Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Old City-Produce And Waterfront
    There are several very deep potholes along Embarcadero between Franklin and Webster also further down along Embarcadero heading south they can’t be seen at night and can cause major damage to tires and wheels and have been there for years I don’t know if the railroad has any responsibility but this Has to be fixed. This is a well traveled street For visitors as well as people who live in the area can you please give it some priority Or get the railroad to do something thank you
  • Estuary Park Embarcadero, Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Produce And Waterfront
    These ladies are professional dog walkers and come out here every day and never pick up any of their dogs waste there are several different parties showing up in vans and never pick up after their dogs I see people exercising in this park laying on the grass and it’s really disgusting to think these people call themselves professionals but don’t pick up after these dogs this ladies here every day like clockwork about noon maybe some signage threats of fines or if Oakland can afford it dog waste stations along with decent trash cans around the park might help. Please help
  • Produce And Waterfront Oakland, CA, USA - Produce And Waterfront
  • Embarcadero Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Produce And Waterfront
    This is a city owned pier in estuary park which these people have decided they’re going to move in and completely take it over there are currently five beat up boats, junk all over the pier, gas cans,loud music this Picture shows a guy getting ready to jump over the fence. People don’t have the right to take this pier and turn it into their personal home and deprive everyone else from being able to use it I don’t know what city department is responsible for maintaining this pier and spent half the morning calling different agencies to try to figure it out no one seems to know please help get rid of this blight
  • Estuary Park Embarcadero, Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Produce And Waterfront
    There are two items involved someone dropped off a boat trailer about two months ago and there it is and the white car has been there now for couple of weeks without filing another report there is an additional car up against the wall by the picnic benchesThat’s been there for at least a month and a half so looks like three different towable items
  • Graffiti - Park Anerkannt
    Embarcadero Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Produce And Waterfront
  • Graffiti - Park Anerkannt
    Estuary Park Embarcadero, Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Produce And Waterfront
    This is a city pier at estuary park. People enjoy launching their boats off sitting out on the pier for a couple hours of enjoyment , fishing. This started with one bowl and now over three months later it’s several boats a huge amount of trash and junk gas cans a tent and they’ve completely taken over the pier no one else can use it it’s illegal and it’s wrong everyone else gets deprived please do something about this thank you
  • Estuary Park Embarcadero, Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Produce And Waterfront
    The Winnebago‘s been living in the bar for two weeks now and the SUV moved in a couple of days ago they just dump trash out of their vehicles right on the street. This park is supposed to close every night at 10 PM there’s a sign and a gate and no enforcement whatsoever
  • Oakland CA, USA - Oakland
    This guy living in his car decided to clean it out in estuary park and throwing all the trash all over the ground over in this corner by the picnic tables too lazy to put it in a trashcan. Of course like we’ve said on many occasions there really are too many trash cans
  • Estuary Park Embarcadero, Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Produce And Waterfront
    You can see this silver sedan has a litter all around it because while living in the car they accumulate a lot of trash and if you look around this car there’s no trashcan anywhere around so they just dump it all over the ground what’s the problem with putting a few trash cans around the park it’s been like this for months. The paper trash cans got destroyed washed away and were never replaced. Please help
  • Estuary Park Embarcadero, Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Produce And Waterfront
    I requested these potholes be filled several times over the past year. They did finally come out and filled one of the potholes you can see inside the gate, but did not fill the potholes you can see just outside the gate. I just don't understand why they fill one and not the other two especially after waiting so long for it to happen. Very disappointed. I'm requesting they come back and fill the other holes and sooner than a year. Thanks