S Thompson

  • 139 Clarion Ave Decatur, GA 30030, USA - Decatur
    Do you ever receive a thank you? Maybe "good job"? The pothole in front of my house has been repaired beautifully. I just wanted to say thank you to M. Hirose, I noticed that my issue had been assigned to him/her. It's easy for all of us to complain, few of us take the time to let you know we appreciate what you all do. Good job! Thank you very much!
  • Pothole Archiviert
    139 Clarion Ave Decatur, GA 30030, USA - Decatur
    Here's a photo of the pothole. Look at the report I made last week, BEFORE 13 people came out to FIX it. It's exactly the same.
  • Pothole Archiviert
    135 Clarion Ave Decatur, GA 30030, USA - Decatur
    H&H paving came out today to fix the pothole that has been there for 2 months. They dug the street up & filled it back in with dirt & gravel. They weren't even gone for two hours before the pothole is returning. There were 13 people "fixing" this pothole, are my taxdollars paying for this? The foreman told me they would be back in 3 or 4 weeks to lay asphalt. How many times does the street need to be dug up? Whatever we paid to have the EXACT same thing done today was a waste of money. Tell you what, you pay me & I'll get out there with my shovel.
  • Pothole Archiviert
    139 Clarion Ave Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Here's a photo of the second time they dug up the street over a monty ago.
  • Pothole Archiviert
    139 Clarion Ave Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Here's another picture of the muddy pothole on Clarion Ave
  • Pothole Archiviert
    139 Clarion Ave Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    There was a slight dip in the street. They came out on June 26 and dug a huge hole to repair a water/sewer line. Filled the hole in, they didn't repair the leak. They dug the street up a second time and filled it in with dirt and gravel. They DID NOT fix the leak AGAIN because the hole they created stays filled with water even with no rain. The hole is getting bigger and bigger every day due to cars driving through the mud. See the photos attached.