Office of the Mayor PLUS

Offene Fälle: 171 Geschlossene Fälle: 704 Anerkannte Fälle: 32
  • 460 Dunbar Hill Rd Hamden, CT 06514, USA - Hamden
    we would like to request for a street light installed at pole SNET 6031, as this area is so dark at night. crimes increased in the town and the next door trespassing on our property a lot. we need lights to be safe.
  • 2 Thorpe Dr Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    I see the remains on the east bound road way at bridge...directly across the street from the bus stop. I wrote to animal control an email yesterday. Drive by see what you think, my opinion is it need to be collected..ASAP.
  • 890 Benham St Hamden, Connecticut - Hamden
    The guard rail on Benham Street between Gorham & Benham Hill Place is damaged--it has been like this since the last accident happened a couple of months ago. If another car or truck hits the guardrail it is likely that the vehicle will go down the embankment and land in the stream.
  • Grandview Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden

    On Grandview Avenue, near the intersection with Blue Hills Avenue, there is a pickup truck which is always parked at a very narrow corner.

    This is creating a traffic hazard as people traveling on Grandview have to move over to avoid the truck and they have no visibility as to oncoming traffic due to the curve and hill.

    Please have the owner of this vehicle park elsewhere, before a serious accident takes place.

  • 2750 Dixwell Ave Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - Hamden_Feature 001
    In May I reported that Center One property on Colony Street was unkept with overgrown weeds. In the past, this property was kept trimmed and orderly however it is unsightly. Public Works claimed it was due to the "hill" and that drainage was an issue. This was never true in the past and in 40 years I have never seen drainage issues at this site. Now 3 months later, the property has not been touched and the weeds are hanging into the sidewalk making it impassable.
    Can someone trim this town owned property!
  • 194 Knob Hill Dr Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - Hamden District 1
    Can I please get a “thank you first responders lawn sign”
  • 179 Russo Dr Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - Hamden

    To whom it may concern:

    I’ve called the Hamden police department numerous times to report this illegal boat and trailer parked on Russo Drive. It is causing a traffic problem on dead end street and blight to the neighbors. Please have someone look into this matter asap.

    Thank you

    Concerned neighbor on Russo Drive

  • 2-32 Shepard Ave Town of Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden_Feature 001
    Concerned about the air quality / ventilation inside Wayback Burgers. Whenever you go in the air is visibly hazy with smoke from the grill and quite odorous. It seems poor enough for customers but it’s extremely concerning for the employees that are subjected to it every day for many hours.
  • 2–198 Dickerman St Hamden CT 06518, United States - Hamden District 1
    8/15/22 1:15am
    8/16/22 1:00am
    8/24/22 5:00am
    And this is for this week
    There have been loud noise during these hours, while we be trying to sleep
    It's very annoying, it's seem like someone is dumping a big load
    And it seems this been going on for a while and nothing is being done
    See request ID# 8610483
    It's getting worst!!
  • 315 Lane St Hamden CT 06514, United States - Hamden
    For about two months now there is garbage broken glass a dirty diaper bag of dog poop on the grounds of Dunbar Hill school Is this ever going to be picked up In the past the custodian would go out periodically to check the grounds Haven't seen this in a few years Very sad ? ,,,
  • Ardmore Street Hamden, Connecticut - Spring Glen
    Southern CT Gas's contractor parks their heavy equipment on the street overnight. The large vehicles block sightless and should not be allowed to park in residential neighborhoods. United Illuminating's contractors park their trucks in private parking lots. SCGs contractors should as well. They are a safety issue when parked on residential streets.
  • 246 Hepburn Rd Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - Hamden
    There is a odd looking fox near foote Street that seems to not be afraid of humans and stalks small dogs at night. I have contacted DEEP and they said to contact the town to deal with this. Can you please advise?