Grisborne Ave

Offene Fälle: 1 Geschlossene Fälle: 9 Anerkannte Fälle: 7
Fälle beobachten, die erstellt wurden nach: 2022-02-12

Grisborne Ave.

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  • 5741 Thornhill Dr Oakland, California, 94611 - Merriwood
    There is no pedestrian access at the 7-11 along Thornhill; the parking lot is 120 feet across with 11 parking spaces, and often there are 18-wheel delivery trucks unloading supplies during school hours. Pedestrians are forced to navigate across many lanes of moving traffic to get by or cross next to the 7-11 entrance, which involves several steps and barriers. We request that the City of Oakland investigate options to reduce the width of this parking lot and improve pedestrian access with additional sidewalks.
  • 5760 Thornhill Dr Oakland, CA 94611, USA - Merriwood
    Pedestrian island has cones that were previously attached and have all gotten knocked off. please re-attach for pedestrian safety.
  • 5772 Thornhill Dr Oakland CA 94611, United States - Merriwood
    Light knocked out at pedestrian cross School crossing location
  • 5650 Grisborne Ave Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Merriwood

    This is regarding the light on the pole over the Presbyterian church parking lot.

    Is there an option to add a shroud to this street light? It was switched with an LED light a few years back and the light is very bright within the neighboring house. The lovely woman who lives here mentioned this in passing, and it would improve her sleep quality dramatically.

  • 5627 Grisborne Ave Oakland, CA 94611, USA - Merriwood
    A city of Oakland tree has a large branch that broke off and will soon fall. neighbors tried to pull it down but failed. Neighbors are requesting that the City trim the branch before it falls on a car or a person. branch is 10-15 feet long.
  • 5772 Thornhill Dr Oakland CA 94611, United States - Merriwood
    The crossing signal at this crosswalk was hit by a car and has been missing for a few weeks making it unsafe The signal light on the sidewalk is missing so there is no way to turn the lights on from the curb This crosswalk is used daily by kids on their way to & from school as it's on the same block as an elementary school
  • 5670 Grisborne Ave Oakland, CA 94611, USA - Merriwood
    roller auitcase with very heavy chain dumped by the creek
  • Grisborne Ave & Thornhill Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Merriwood
    The cones that were built into the pedestrian island have been knocked down and are in the street
  • 5667 Thornhill Dr Oakland CA 94611, United States - Merriwood
    This vehicle hasn't moved in months
  • 5747 Grisborne Ave Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Merriwood
    Large pothole/depression. Blocking stair access when raining. There are two additional ones in front of property including the driveway.
  • 5675 Grisborne Ave Oakland, CA 94611, USA - Merriwood
    file cabinet parts thrown away in middle of street
  • 5777 Grisborne Ave Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Merriwood
    couple of wide, shallow potholes in middle of road continuing to deteriorate