45 year resident/tax payer

Offene Fälle: 0 Geschlossene Fälle: 2 Anerkannte Fälle: 0
Fälle beobachten, die erstellt wurden nach: 2021-03-11

An unlicensed CAMPER and a unlicensed Buick have been parking on this street. They have a hose running out of the camper, draining the “tank”. They also have propane containers outside the camper. People have been seen inside the camper, along with flames. This NEEDS to be towed away. This is a RESIDENTIAL street.

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  • Pothole Archived
    21 Eleanor St Portland, Maine, 04103 - Portland
    How about you grade the road first and do it right instead of putting reclaim on it and it washed out as soon as it rains.
  • Pothole Archived
    6 Allen Ave Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    This road is an absolute mess. Someone needs to repair this road