
  • 62-98 Schirmer Road Boston, MA 02132, USA - West Roxbury
    Abandoned vehicle. Car has been in same spot with all windows open through all weather conditions Interior is ransacked. Should be investigated by BPD.
  • 7 Manthorne Road West Roxbury, MA 02132, USA - West Roxbury
    Traffic signal at major intersection is not working for all four sides of traffic
  • 121-123 Willow Street West Roxbury, MA 02132, USA - West Roxbury
    2nd request. City tree has overgrown branch that is impeding access to the front stairs of our home. At 121-123 Willow street West Roxbury. Elderly residents can't climb a ladder to saw the branch. Please resolve this issue.
  • 121-123 Willow Street West Roxbury, MA 02132, USA - West Roxbury
    City tree overhanging resident property staircase. The whole large branch along with all it's smaller branches needs to be cut. This same issue was requested a year ago but only a few smaller branches were trimmed by the city. It took 5 weeks just for someone to determine it was a city tree. Pictures included should clearly indicate this is a city tree in a city sidewalk. Please cut the whole branch as during windy days it is a hazard for someone to get smacked in the face.
  • Centre St @ Willow St Boston, MA 02132, USA - West Roxbury
    Traffic signal "walk request" button does not trigger walk lights that stop traffic. This is the traffic pole on Centre in front of "Cutting Edge" salon. Also, in general the walk request for any of the other poles takes way too long. Many pedestrians give up and walk across without the walk light because the traffic continues to receive priority and cycles at least 2-3 times before walk lights com on. This was an issue a few years back and was fixed. But every since sensors in the street were placed at the end of Willow Street the problem with the walk lights has returned.
  • Millennium Park West Roxbury MA - West Roxbury
    More prominent Posted signs regarding dogs need to be placed in West Roxbury 's Millennium Park. Dog owners allow their dogs to run free like children in a playground. Many different owners gather and what results is a pack of rambunctious dogs taking over the upper level of the park. Not only is it a safety issue to the small children and adults jogging/walking it is also a health issue as the dogs defecate through out the park and the dog owner looks away. Below is a picture if signs that are in the Boston Common. These signs should be posted in all the parking lots just before entering into the parks fenced area. Proper patrolling and ticketing would also be helpful. Please do not wait until a tragedy happens. Today I saw a woman pushing a baby stroller have a large dog sprint across a field and go right to the toddler in the stroller knocking the stroller over with force. Had it not been for the Mother if the toddler who sprawled across her child and stroller and kick the dog away, I would hate to think what could have happened.
  • Pothole Archiviert
    121-125 Willow Street Boston, MA 02132, USA - West Roxbury
    Large hole with cover exposed sharp metal edges .