I Love Atlanta

  • Tire Dumping Öffnen
    1421 Northwest Dr Nw Atlanta, GA 30318, USA - Monroe Heights
    Along Northwest Drive, there is continuous and habitual tire dumping on this street.
    Last year during our neighborhood clean-up, over 50 tires were retrieved from Proctor Creek and the area beat Brookside Apartment.
    Is there any place where we can recycle the tires? Or perhaps the City of Atlanta could initiate an art program/ contest using tires in the artwork for a prize, city beautification & recognition.
  • 1663-1671 Bolton Rd Atlanta, GA 30318, USA - Monroe Heights
    After exiting 285 it's easy for someone unfamiliar with the area to miss this street.
    Perhaps a larger sign with larger lettering and better reflective printing would help drivers navigate.
  • 1697-1723 Northwest Dr Nw Atlanta, GA 30318, USA - Bolton Hills
    Northwest Drive from Bolton Rd to James Jackson Parkway is uncomfortable, uneven and needs to be paved.
    There are serious holes in the street and I personally feel as if though I'm playing Mario Cart every time I'm going & coming home.
    It's quit annoying and it a horrible start and ending to one's workday or outing.
    This community needs for that stretch if road to be PAVED; not patched!! As has been the resolve with the bridge that covers Proctor Creek.
    Every so often, there's a metal plate that covers a whole. The City of Atlanta allows the contractors to not to complete the project and it stays there for several months.
    Last week a crew arrived to do another one of its patchwork projects. Furthermore, I think the City of Atlanta needs to do a better job monitoring these contractors and employees.
    For example, doesn't Public Works do a drive by and go seek out projects to complete in order to create a better environment in this great city?
    I know there are people who hold care about their jobs and may be over-worked but the negligence going in various departments is increasing and being reflected in the lack of proper management and infrastructure.
    In closing, please fix the streets in this community; starting with Northwest Drive.