
  • 64 Flint St Salem, MA 01970, USA - City of Salem
    This sidewalk leading up to Leslie's Retreat did not get shoveled and is impassable for strollers/wheel chairs. forcing pedestrians with mobility limitations and little kids into the road. Thanks for any help that can be provided in getting this cleared up in the future!
  • 30 Warren St Salem, MA 01970, USA - City of Salem
    This intersection is pretty dangerous due to the stop sign on Warren St heading east often being obstructed by large vehicles. When trucks and vans park directly before or in front of the stop sign, east bound traffic doesn't know it is a three way stop and they blow right through the intersection. I don't know if it is possible to make a few yards before the sign a no parking zone, but if it is I think it would go a long way to making this safe for pedestrians and vehicles driving through the Flint St portion of the intersection. Thanks for any help you can provide!
  • 337 Essex St Salem, MA 01970, USA - City of Salem
    abandoned grocery cart on Essex near Ropes Mansion
  • 21 Jackson St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
    There is a very large pothole near the crosswalk across Jackson St. near the middle school playground/basketball courts. While we were in the park we heard many cars hit it, so I'm afraid if it's not addressed it will cause damage to a vehicle. I know there is a report for a pothole on Board St., but this is definitely on Jackson, in the west-moving traffic lane, near the crosswalk to get to the playground/basketball court. Thank you!
  • Dead Animal Archiviert
    354 Bridge St Salem, MA 01970, USA - City of Salem
    dead squirrel near bridge/by fence by railroad tracks
  • 301 Essex St Salem, MA 01970, USA - City of Salem
    dangerous change to Essex st crosswalk
  • Illegal Dumping Archiviert
    350 Bridge St Salem, MA 01970, USA - City of Salem
    debris left in between bike path and RR tracks. This us behind the trees as you enter Leslie's Retreat, near the bridge and across from the new condo construction.
  • 21 Fowler St Salem, MA 01970, USA - City of Salem
    sharp found on Kelleher way. requesting safe disposal ASAP.
  • 24 Fowler St Salem, MA 01970, USA - City of Salem
    The plants are Knotweed, very invasive and dangerous to native plants and structures like foundations. The root structure needs to be removed in order to reduce the spread. Happy to help if I'm allowed to pull up plants on public areas. This is not on Fowler, but Kelleher Way.
  • Illegal Dumping Archiviert
    21 Fowler St Salem, MA 01970, USA - City of Salem
    I reported this previously but it was determined there was "no violation." The debris is still there, though, so I am reposting with a photo that I took this morning. The specific location is not on Fowler, but the Kelleher Way walkway that connects Fowler to Federal. There is also a board that was left near the other two items later today.
  • Illegal Dumping Archiviert
    21 Fowler St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
    Lamp and couch cushion discarded.
  • Traffic Signals Archiviert
    64 Flint Street Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
    Pedestrian signal does not function unless pressed when light is green for Flint St traffic.