Mark Breitenbach

  • 141–199 Hibernia Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    Fire hydrant at the corner of Adair and Hibernia had been damaged by the repaying project
  • Street Signs Anerkannt
    201–299 Hibernia Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    The signs removed for the Adair Street repaving project have been dumped at the Hibernia Ave dead end Please reinstall and / or remove
  • Pothole Archiviert
    245 W Howard Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    When is this large pothole going to be fixed? It's getting worse every day and it is in the middle of turn lane, which means every car hits it
  • 600 W Howard Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    Tree on the walking dead path is still dead and was supposed to be removed last year
  • Adair Park Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    When is this fire hydrant going to be replaced? This is a critical safety issue that has been unresolved for at least a couple / few months
  • 600 W Howard Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    Tree is dead
  • 158–180 E Howard Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    Tree has fallen on the Path
  • Stormwater Issue Archiviert
    Decatur Ga 30030 United States - Decatur
    Drain right outside Squash Blossom is completely clogged and flooding
  • Street Signs Archiviert
    418–498 W Howard Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    Crosswalk sign flattened
  • 245 W Howard Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    Several containers destroyed and dirt is everywhere
  • Pothole Archiviert
    118 Church St Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    And yet another terrible fill job on a bad pothole with no steel plate
  • Sidewalks Archiviert
    159–199 W Howard Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    New sidewalk has large void under This is just east of Commerce in front of the high school overfill lot
  • Pothole Archiviert
    120 Church St Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    Large sinkhole forming in a terrible dirt repair What is it lately that every pothole gets filled with dirt and turns into a sinkhole Why not repair it properly to begin with?
  • Pothole Archiviert
    101–169 Norfolk Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur

    This has been here for four weeks or more with no plate The dirt is creating a sinkhole Please plate and repair as soon as possible If this is County please push them hard to complete the work

    Why has the City let Adair become such a horrible road?

  • Pothole Archiviert
    101 W Ponce De Leon Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    This needs more plating Dirt fill has eroded Can you please push the county to finish the work and repave? This has been this way for many weeks
  • Pothole Archiviert
    149 Adair St Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    This has been like this for four weeks Please have this repaired or plated ASAP If it's County, please push them to fix!
  • Swanton Hill Dr Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    Water leak
  • Pothole Archiviert
    426 W Ponce De Leon Ave Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    This giant pothole is getting worse and can damage cars Why isn't this work completed yet? Why no steel plate? Please fix ASAP
  • Pothole Archiviert
    247 Adair St Decatur GA 30030, United States - Decatur
    Sinkhole is forming under steel plate that had been here for at least 6 months or more
  • Pothole Archiviert
    W Ponce De Leon Ave Decatur GA 30031, United States - Decatur
    This is really sad - how can the City allow this horrific road repair to exist Doesn't matter if it was a third party contractor - this is the City's road and responsibility Please fix this ASAP and that doesn't mean put a metal plate over it for a year or two