Debbie Charles Falasca

  • Tree Issues Anerkannt
    50 Bristow Street Saugus, Massachusetts, 01906 - Saugus
    I have spoken to Jon Hume back in June and July and was promised that the tree was going to be trimmed in a timely manner. Its been 3 months and nothing has been done
    I want someone to let me know the status on this ingoing issue with this huge tree overhanging my property and shading an expensive tree that needs full sunlight.
    contact me Debbie at 781-233-0578 with the time frame expected
  • Tree Issues Archiviert
    48 Bristow St Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    The town tree is overhanging my property and shading one of my trees in my yard. I need the overhanging branches trimmed away from my property
  • Sidewalk Repair Archiviert
    48 Bristow St Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Need to replace the crumbling section of sidewalk located at the corner of Bristow and Sussex it is a trip hazard. Also need to replace a section of curbing that appears to be damaged from plows near 48 Bristow st . There is also roots lifting up the sidewalk near the large tree located between 48 and 50 Bristow st that needs to be repaired
  • Street light out Archiviert
    15 Riverside Court Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
    Pole number 13
  • Road Resurfacing Archiviert
    Walnut St Off Ramp Going Onto Route 1 Near Boston Market Entrance Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
    this has been ongoing issue, the lane that runs on Rt 1 near Boston market plaza is very bumpy and needs to be resurfaced
  • Pothole Anerkannt
    Main St Overpass Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
    large pothole on the overpass going from Kmart toward Saugus Center
  • Bristow St Saugus, Ma - Saugus
    Verizon started to install new poles new to old ones about 4 years ago went on strike and never completed the process and removing old poles not sure who should contact them