City of Vallejo Neighbor

  • 528 Yuba St Vallejo, California, 94590 - Vallejo
    3 vehicles at 528 Yuba Street
    Black BMW 6TTU884, expired reg, not moved in a long time.
    White Dodge Mini van 6RAI861 has not moved in a long time
    Black Mercedes 7RCF507, expired reg not moved. Thank you.
  • 1391 Oakwood Ave Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    Oak tree on corner of Woodson Way and 1401 Oakwood is hanging extremely low. The school bus tries to miss it on his route and has nearly collided with me. If one makes a tight right turn onto Woodson, one gets their car scraped.
  • Pothole Öffnen
    230-298 Serpentine Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    Several potholes at the corner of Serpentine and Whitney. Hard to dodge for cars turning right onto Whitney. This is a recurring problem. City fixes the problem and it happens again. At least one third of the entire street needs to be repaved between Basalt and Whitney.
  • 1139 Louisiana St Vallejo, California, 94590 - Vallejo
    Dodge 100, Color Green pick-up truck, has no license plates, sitting on blocks, parked in front of 1139 Louisiana Street (on North side, facing west, Vallejo, CA 94590. This vehicle has been in this location for more than a month.
  • 731 Admiral Callaghan Ln Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    In the middle of Admiral Callaghan Lane in front of In-n-Out Hamburgers and Safeway in between Redwood Parkway and Rotary Lane are tall weeds and illegal dumping right before you get on the freeway. Thank you.
  • Pothole Öffnen
    Ascot Pkwy & Redwood Pkwy Vallejo, California, 94591 - Vallejo

    Can you please fill this pothole as soon as possible? It is near Jesse Bethel and Wardlaw Elementary School on Ascot Parkway and Redwood Parkway.

    Thank you.

  • 282-364 Richardson Dr Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    Some @#$% dumped their car at Richardson park by the playground.
  • 450 Ryder St Vallejo, California, 94590 - Vallejo
    Strong odor of sewage blows over half the city.
  • 31-45 Solano Ave Vallejo, CA, 94590, USA - Vallejo
    Very strong odors from wastewater plant.
  • 101 Hawkesbury Way Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    A whole pile of stuff behind some bushes. Looks like there are some coolers there as well. Didn’t see it earlier in the day so it must have just been dumped.
  • 340 Marin St Vallejo, CA, 94590, USA - Vallejo
    An RV that has been parked there for weeks. It has a propane tank being used as a jack stand.
  • 125 Stephanie Ct Vallejo, California, 94589 - Vallejo

    This vehicle has been parked on this block for over a year. We made numerous calls and emails. It’s been getting attention from the homeless and drug users. Making it very uncomfortable to leave our home alone. There’s elderly residents that live on this court and would like if possible to have this vehicle removed asap before one of our neighbors gets hurt or home get burglarized.

    Thank yoh

  • Mark Ave & Sawyer St Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    There are 2 vehicles sitting on tree stumps and blocks. There are also a few other vehicles that are missing half the car and others just missing all the parts and more. About 10 vehicles total on this corner. Many kids live in the area. Let’s make it safe for therm. Please send someone to take a look at this .
  • Griffin Dr & Mark Ave Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    Dozens of cars broken down in this area. Vallejo please jump in and help with this mess! It is getting out of control here. It’s like everyone comes and dumps their cars here! I see multiple people have submitted requests and Vallejo yet has not done anything about it!
  • Pothole Öffnen
    727 Ohio St Vallejo, California, 94590 - Vallejo
    There’s potholes in the middle of the street between 727 -728 that needs to be fix immediately.
  • Pothole Öffnen
    Janice St & Taper Ave Vallejo, CA, 94589, USA - Vallejo
    Multiple potholes down Taper st. Please send someone to patch these areas. The holes are working by the day!
  • Orange St Vallejo, California, 94590 - Vallejo
  • 18 La Vuelta St Vallejo, California, 94590 - Vallejo
    Stagnant broken pool full of rain water where mosquitoes are breeding heavily.
  • Street Light Öffnen
    Oakwood Ave & Redwood Pkwy Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    Test the street lights for high conduitivity, static.
  • 1131 Madrone Ave Vallejo, CA 94592, USA - Vallejo
    Older Jeep, appears abandoned with outdated registation.