
  • 6501-6601 Dunlap Street Houston, Texas - Bellaire
    There are children and families crossing the street at all times of the day, yet people use Dunlap/Clarewood as a "drive-around" to beat lights at Bellaire-Hillcroft. I have seen several people almost get hit, as well as myself. The speeds are outrageous and there needs to be a Children Crossing sign at both ends of the neighborhood with a POSTED speed limit of 25
  • 6701 Hillcroft Street Houston, Texas - Bellaire
    There are 5-10 people hanging out and drinking alcohol near the Fiesta Liquor and the EZpawn, mostly at the bus stop and in the parking lot near the liquor store's dumpster. They are loud, cat-calling people, begging for money for liquor, and disturbing bus riders. There is a urine smell from public urination everywhere in the area, near the Walgreens across the street as well. Please get them out of here and send a power-washer to clean the area.
  • Water Quality Archiviert
    6500 Dunlap Street Houston, Texas - Bellaire
    Water smells like sewage, often brown in color. Tastes very bad.
  • Pothole Archiviert
    6208 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, Texas - Bellaire
    Pot hole in front of Hillcroft Station bus stop on Bellaire