
  • 2235 Gilbert Avenue Corona, California - Corona

    Requesting our parkway tree get trimmed. It’s starting to impede the driveway.


  • 2275 Del Mar Way Corona, CA - Corona
    Please look west of 2275 Del Mar way at the new bridge for the new houses. Graffiti under bridge.
  • 2235 Gilbert Corona, CA - Corona
    Across street from 2235 Gilbert... Overgrown grass. Multiple broken or leaking sprinklers. City needs new landscaping company if this is what they pay for.
  • Eagle Glen Park Corona, California - Corona
    The outfield grass is over saturated (broken sprinklers?) near the outfield walls all the way around. In addition left field has no grass. Your residents pay to play softball on this field and it's almost unusable. Please look into this ASAP.
  • 2235 Gilbert Ave Corona, California - Corona
    There are 2 large trees on the corner of Gilbert and Conestoga that I believe should be removed from the parkway. The water restrictions have limited the amount of water getting exposed to the trees. The trees look unhealthy and am worried of potential serious injuries if the tree branches were to break off. On the ground, the exposed roots create a dangerous trip hazard. Please consider removing and hopefully replacing with a drought tolerant tree(s).