
  • Parks Archiviert
    Keney Park - North East
    The Pop Warner Hartford Hurricanes practice at Keney Park FOUR days per week, and the grass has not been cut for quite some time. It's unfortunate that our children have to practice in such conditions. It's bad enough that there are no field lights out there for them to practice when the days get darker earlier. The City of Hartford NEEDS to have a vested interest in this program that is keeping our children off the streets and out of trouble. PLEASE mow the lawn ASAP! AND let the community know what needs to be done to install field lights at the park.
  • Other Archiviert
    294 Enfield Street Hartford, CT 06112, USA - North East
    Every summer I listen to people race up and down Enfield street. There are many families whose children play on my end of Enfield. I would LOVE to see speed tables placed on Enfield street. This would help to reduce the speeding that occurs by drivers. By installing speed tables, I believe traffic would be reduced, hence making it a safer street for pedestrians AND reducing the wear and tear on the actual street itself.